Welcome to Our Home

For years people have come to my home and always been very complimentary. I always thought of it as more of a cordiality. Recently I took part in our neighborhood Christmas homes tour. Over 250 people came into my home. When I saw ladies taking pictures of my ideas, I realized that I truly do inspire others. Sometimes I come up with ideas, and my husband really thinks I'm taking things a step too far. Like 5 months after we moved into our brand new home, I wanted to paint all the fireplace wood work and mantle black. Well, 4 years later we still like it and show guests the 'before' photo. We are all inspired by something. So, as I share things on this blog, I hope you duplicate, improve and are inspired to take your decorating just one step further. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Simple Little Things

Well, Christmas is in 2 days. And as much as I love Christmas decor, I am beginning to get the itch to spring clean. So, with that said, I thought I would share some simple things I did this year.
The most fun job I ever had was working at JoAnn Fabrics as the visual coordinator. I got to learn a lot, including floral arranging. Although I am not a professional, I do like to put arrangements together. I made some Christmas swags for the kitchen and simply hung them with handy dandy 3M removable hooks.

I've had this wreath stand for 5 or 6 years, ever since I worked at JoAnn's and never have used it. Then finally, it dawned on me to put it behind my sink. I love it! Looks pretty with my drapes too! Small confession: One reason why I decorated with red in my draperies, was so my Christmas decor would flow just fine. There are so many options when it comes to Christmas decor. Do me a favor, please, please, please, coordinate your Christmas colors with the everyday decor that you cannot change out, such as furniture and window treatments.

One of my favorite flowers are hydrangeas. Every year I take the hydrangeas from my bushes that I prune and dry them in a lawn bag in the garage. No special technique. I then add them to my Christmas trees and the garland running down my banister. It is kind of my way of spreading the joy of my garden into winter.

I love, love, love, tulle. If I had a daughter, I would be constantly wrapping her up in tulle and creating my own Fancy Nancy dynasty! So, I was so excited when I came up with a simple way to add this very girly fabric to a male dominated home.

I simply took a half yard of tulle per candle holder and gathered it around. It is held in place with a rubber band. The beaded garland I use daily around my candles to add a little pop.

This idea I just love! It is in my foyer, and a very Seussical type way of greeting our guests. I found the idea a few years ago in some magazine, and have wanted to do it ever since. In the magazine they simply hung the ornaments from the light fixture. Well, the wreath you see is one that I got 23 years ago from a retail store that was throwing it out. So, needless to say, it was getting a little shabby. However, it was still perfect enough to attach to the light fixture (and amazingly fit perfectly). Then, I simply tied the ribbons to the wreath and hung the ornaments. Very fun!

This is also in my foyer area. For the Christmas homes tour, each home chose a Christmas song as a theme for their home. Well, I chose "I'll Be Home for Christmas". That is why I put the old suitcases right there. The red bag hanging is a 'Snowman Kit' that I made. And it really does have the things my boys need when they make their snowmen this year. It saves me the process of cleaning up behind them as they tear into everything look for their supplies. On the top of the shelf, I took mini little frames and printed the letters HOME, and then on the pine greenery there is a tag that says 'for Christmas'. I got this idea from someone elses blog that I ran across, which is very good: www.thriftydecorchic.blogspot.com I can see that she will be a big source of inspiration to me. I don't know where she lives, but I want to be her BFF, because I am so right there with her in the opinions she shares, including one about Wal-Mart (it's a secret!) Anyway, also notice my pretty floral arrangement. I don't have a lot of glitter and sparkle in my home, but I do like the touch this gives.
This will probably be my last Christmas post. I look forward to sharing with you things that I do around the home, including some changes I hope to make in 2010. (I'll get better with my picture taking skills!) AND! I am excited to decorate our adopted daughters room hopefully this year. Praying that she becomes part of our life by next Christmas!!!!
Many blessings to you & your family!


  1. I'm loving your blog and your beautiful Christmas decorations!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Since I am also one of those people that has things saved from many years, your blog is teaching me new ways to use what I already have. You are very inspiring! Keep the great ideas coming. All the best to you and yours this holiday season and all through the new year!
