Welcome to Our Home

For years people have come to my home and always been very complimentary. I always thought of it as more of a cordiality. Recently I took part in our neighborhood Christmas homes tour. Over 250 people came into my home. When I saw ladies taking pictures of my ideas, I realized that I truly do inspire others. Sometimes I come up with ideas, and my husband really thinks I'm taking things a step too far. Like 5 months after we moved into our brand new home, I wanted to paint all the fireplace wood work and mantle black. Well, 4 years later we still like it and show guests the 'before' photo. We are all inspired by something. So, as I share things on this blog, I hope you duplicate, improve and are inspired to take your decorating just one step further. Enjoy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Playing with Blocks

Yeah! I love holidays, and 4th of July is one of my husbands favorites. I think it has something to do with playing with explosives. I'm not one to decorate for the holidays other than Christmas and bit for fall. I'm not sure if it is because my sons do not really notice. Or, if I exhaust myself so much decorating for Christmas that the other holidays just kind of slide by. So, I am starting to make an attempt to put out a few things to honor holidays. When I saw this little piece from How Does She Do That (http://www.howdoesshe.com/cheap-home-decor) I knew I could do it.

I did a couple of things different. The original was made with vinyl lettering. I chose to print my words on scrap paper and cut each strip for the bottom of the flag. I also decided to use wood glue and glue my blocks together. After I made a few with "Happy 4th of July" I realized I prefered 'God Bless America' and therefore had to make a few with that on it too!

The 3 Joys I received:
1)This craft was right up my ally of cheapness! I had all the supplies I needed other than the ribbon. The ribbon I got from Wal-Mart (which I try to avoid, but I love this ribbon). You get 15 yards for $4.97. So far I have made 7 of these flags and still have more ribbon. So, I have spent about 70 cents a flag! Not bad.
2)The other enjoyment I received was using my husband's power saw. Oh such POWER!
3)My favorite joy is sharing this with my friends. I got to leave a few on doorsteps and kept them guessing for a little bit!

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